Penganalisa pasaran kewangan telah menyatakan bahawa krisis kewangan AS telah berakhir melalui tindakan Senat Amerika Syarikat menyuntik dana berjumlah USD700 billon ke pasaran. Antara syarikat yang telah mendapat suntikan adalah General Motor , American Insurance Group. Manakala hutang Lehman Brother kini telah diambil alih oleh Bank of America.
Yang tinggal adalah kesan kemelesetan ekonomi yang akan berlarutan 12-18 bulan kerana kekurangan kuasa beli rakyat AS kesan daripada krisis sub-prima kewangan AS.
Tahun 2009 jangkaan ekonomi Malaysia akan berkembang 3.5% , AS 1.5%, Jepun 0.5%, Singapura 0% dan China 8.8%. Justeru itu pelabur yang membuat pelaburan ke dalam pasaran Tanah Besar China supaya menambah pelaburan. Dianggar dalam masa 10 tahun akan datang ekonomi China akan lebih besar daripada Amerika Syarikat.
Pelabur unit amanah adalah disarankan menambah pelaburan sebanyak mungkin ke dalam dana-dana pelaburan yang berdaftar . Contohnya jika kita melabur RM100 ribu sekarang akan mendapat pulangan 100% . Ini bermakna jumlah yang pelabur ada adalah RM200 ribu berbanding simpanan yang dibuat di dalam bank.
Dari apa yang telah saya analisa pulangan dana ekuiti adalah lebih dari 100%. Perkembangan di pasaran semasa pelabur masih kurang yakin pasaran untuk pulih. Masalah utama ini adalah masalah keyakinan pelabur bukan lagi krisis kewangan.
Panduan Jana Wang Unit Trust
Untuk maklumat lanjut;
hubungi 013-7556776
Pelaburan, Unit Amanah , Takaful , Simpanan Persaraan & Pendidikan,
Investment, Unit Trust , Takaful ,Retirement & Education Fund
(KWSP, Tunai, DDI, SI , Kredit/Debit)
Investment, Unit Trust , Takaful ,Retirement & Education Fund
(KWSP, Tunai, DDI, SI , Kredit/Debit)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Antara Petrol, Beras & Wang

Kalau dilihat kebelakangan ini peniaga buat bodoh aje berkenaan dengan harga barangan terutama peruncit sejak harga minyak diturunkan sebanyak empat kali sebelum ini, dan kini kali ke lima. Adalah memang tidak wajar jika peniaga sebegini diberi nafas lagi...
Persatuan Pengguna perlu mewarwarkan dalam akhbar, laman web mereka menyenaraikan nama peruncit yang tidak menurunkan harga barang. Jika tindakan diambil dan dilakukan secara berterusan dan mapan akan memberi tamparan yang hebat kepada perniagaan mereka. Lantas peruncit akan menurunkan harga barangan.
Beras pula adalah makanan ruji kepada semua rakyat Malaysia tetapi harganya baru nak turun sedangkan harga pasaran dunia telah menurun beberapa bulan lalu. Ini adalah kerana permintaan beras dunia menurun akibat faktor ekonomi semasa.Bila naik harga terus naik maksimum tapi bila nak turunkan harga berperingkat-peringkat. Adilkah?
Setiap wang yang kita belanjakan akan menggerakan ekonomi domestik .Selag

Jadi fikirkanlah untuk masa depan anda!!!
Untuk maklumat lanjut hubungi; 013-7556776
Monday, November 17, 2008
What Are the 3 Types of Income, and Which is Best?
For most people, achieving success in Home Based Business means a lot more than just earning more money. It also means more time freedom, more relationship freedom and a better lifestyle. It means paying off the bills, getting out of debt and having more peace of mind. It also means having money flow into your bank account every single month, whether you work or not.
It does not mean having to wake up to an alarm clock every morning, jumping out of bed and trading your time for dollars, only to rush off and make someone else rich.
So , in order to achieve great success working from home, you must first understand the difference between Linear Income, Leveraged Income & Passive Residual Income. Let's take a look:
Income Type #1 or Linear Income, is income generated by working at a job. When you work, you get paid. When you do not work, you do not get paid. This is how most people live their lives and why those who only work for Linear Income, can never stop working.
Income Type #2 or Leveraged Income, is a little better than Linear Income, but still not that great, because your income is based on the efforts of those who earn linear income. This is where you can get paid from the work of others, like being a small business owner or a manager, however, leveraged income does not offer real security, because linear income employees, can quit, find a higher paying job or start their own competing business.
Income Type #3 or Passive Residual Income is the income that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success in a Home Based Business, because every distributor has the same exact opportunity to gain. This means that anyone, regardless of where they live, how old they are, or what their experience is, can earn as much or as little as they like, based on their own commitment and effort.
This is also the kind of income that grows each month a little bit more and allows people to live without financial limits.
For more information.
Contact mdsulaiman ismail 013-7556776
It does not mean having to wake up to an alarm clock every morning, jumping out of bed and trading your time for dollars, only to rush off and make someone else rich.
So , in order to achieve great success working from home, you must first understand the difference between Linear Income, Leveraged Income & Passive Residual Income. Let's take a look:
Income Type #1 or Linear Income, is income generated by working at a job. When you work, you get paid. When you do not work, you do not get paid. This is how most people live their lives and why those who only work for Linear Income, can never stop working.
Income Type #2 or Leveraged Income, is a little better than Linear Income, but still not that great, because your income is based on the efforts of those who earn linear income. This is where you can get paid from the work of others, like being a small business owner or a manager, however, leveraged income does not offer real security, because linear income employees, can quit, find a higher paying job or start their own competing business.
Income Type #3 or Passive Residual Income is the income that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success in a Home Based Business, because every distributor has the same exact opportunity to gain. This means that anyone, regardless of where they live, how old they are, or what their experience is, can earn as much or as little as they like, based on their own commitment and effort.
This is also the kind of income that grows each month a little bit more and allows people to live without financial limits.
For more information.
Contact mdsulaiman ismail 013-7556776
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Greatest Financial Fears
Let's face it, everyone (no exception here) will encounter several personal fears as they go through their life phases. These fears can be about their health, family's well-being, job performance or security, personal relationship, etc. There is one fear which most of us will definitely have to deal with and that is financial fear.
As I read about other people's financial fears, I discovered that they are quite similar to my own fears. I have listed down below several financial fears that the majority of us will encounter.
• Buying a house
• Saving for retirement
• Supporting the family
• Staying at home
• Estate planning or getting a Will
• Investing for the future
• Insurance planning
• Buying a car (or a second car)
The importance of each one will vary from one individual to the other. One person may place buying a house at the top and another may place it at the bottom of the rank. This just shows that every person is unique and will tackle their financial fears to the best of their knowledge or ability and in their own special way.
Out of the list above, my own fears are listed below in descending order of importance:
1. Supporting the family
2. Saving for retirement
3. Staying at home
4. Buying a house
Supporting the family
Before I had children, this fear does not exist and was not on my list. Now I have two kids to support and I realize that this has become a top priority. Parents possess an inner sense of responsibility and wanting what is best for their children and I am no exception.
Besides providing them with the basic necessities in life like food, shelter and clothing, I also want to give them a good education and a good financial head-start if I can.I feel secure knowing that I started to do something very early in their life and this is my way of addressing my top fear.
Saving for retirement
I started to worry about retirement when I had my first child. I was wondering whether I would have enough money for retirement while at the same time, I had to raise and support my family.
My approach in addressing this fear is straightforward and that is to put aside as much of my take home pay each month as possible. This normally ranges from 10 to 20% of my take home pay. For me, this is the simplest and easiest method to do and it works for me. I have direct control over my money and I decide how much to use for expenditures and how much to put towards my retirement fund.
Although I have my EPF savings to rely on , I know that the amount will not be sufficient after I factor in the cost of inflation. Early planning is my way of taking action to address my second top fear. Hence I'm using Unit trust as saving instrument to beat the inflation.
Staying at home
To be able to stay at home would be a nice goal to achieve. It would be great to be able to spend more time with the children and to be more involved in their daily lives. Fortunate for me Unit Trust Consultant has given the flexibility.
Buying a house
Buying a house and taking up a housing loan was one of our fears a few years ago. It required a huge financial commitment and we actually hesitated to take this step for awhile. When we took the plunge we decided earlier on that we did not want to be saddled with a big amount of mortgage debt. We decided to use some of our hard-earned savings to cover part of the house cost.
We took out a loan of 25 years tenure together with MRTA coverage for both of us. We were both committed to reducing the amount paid towards interest payment. Hence whenever we had the extra money, we used it for capital reduction.
So I can strike out this one from my list of financial fears now. For the remaining three, we will continue to monitor and take appropriate actions and we are confident of the positive outcome. Addressing them early means we have a higher probability of succeeding rather than if we take a wait and see attitude.
Looking for a place to save for retirement;
Call me with no obligation;
Md Sulaiman Ismail 013-7556776
As I read about other people's financial fears, I discovered that they are quite similar to my own fears. I have listed down below several financial fears that the majority of us will encounter.
• Buying a house
• Saving for retirement
• Supporting the family
• Staying at home
• Estate planning or getting a Will
• Investing for the future
• Insurance planning
• Buying a car (or a second car)
The importance of each one will vary from one individual to the other. One person may place buying a house at the top and another may place it at the bottom of the rank. This just shows that every person is unique and will tackle their financial fears to the best of their knowledge or ability and in their own special way.
Out of the list above, my own fears are listed below in descending order of importance:
1. Supporting the family
2. Saving for retirement
3. Staying at home
4. Buying a house
Supporting the family
Before I had children, this fear does not exist and was not on my list. Now I have two kids to support and I realize that this has become a top priority. Parents possess an inner sense of responsibility and wanting what is best for their children and I am no exception.
Besides providing them with the basic necessities in life like food, shelter and clothing, I also want to give them a good education and a good financial head-start if I can.I feel secure knowing that I started to do something very early in their life and this is my way of addressing my top fear.
Saving for retirement
I started to worry about retirement when I had my first child. I was wondering whether I would have enough money for retirement while at the same time, I had to raise and support my family.
My approach in addressing this fear is straightforward and that is to put aside as much of my take home pay each month as possible. This normally ranges from 10 to 20% of my take home pay. For me, this is the simplest and easiest method to do and it works for me. I have direct control over my money and I decide how much to use for expenditures and how much to put towards my retirement fund.
Although I have my EPF savings to rely on , I know that the amount will not be sufficient after I factor in the cost of inflation. Early planning is my way of taking action to address my second top fear. Hence I'm using Unit trust as saving instrument to beat the inflation.
Staying at home
To be able to stay at home would be a nice goal to achieve. It would be great to be able to spend more time with the children and to be more involved in their daily lives. Fortunate for me Unit Trust Consultant has given the flexibility.
Buying a house
Buying a house and taking up a housing loan was one of our fears a few years ago. It required a huge financial commitment and we actually hesitated to take this step for awhile. When we took the plunge we decided earlier on that we did not want to be saddled with a big amount of mortgage debt. We decided to use some of our hard-earned savings to cover part of the house cost.
We took out a loan of 25 years tenure together with MRTA coverage for both of us. We were both committed to reducing the amount paid towards interest payment. Hence whenever we had the extra money, we used it for capital reduction.
So I can strike out this one from my list of financial fears now. For the remaining three, we will continue to monitor and take appropriate actions and we are confident of the positive outcome. Addressing them early means we have a higher probability of succeeding rather than if we take a wait and see attitude.
Looking for a place to save for retirement;
Call me with no obligation;
Md Sulaiman Ismail 013-7556776
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Baru-baru ini KWSP telah mengeluarkan syarat mewajibkan pengurangan potongan 3 peratus daripada 11 peratus berkuatkuasa Januari 2009. Jika kalau kita lihat melalui kenyataan yang telah dikeluarkan, ianya bertentangan dengan pengumuman yang telah dibuat oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Seharusnya 3 peratus pengurangan potongan bahagian pekerja berdasarkan permohonan daripada pihak ahli .KWSP seharusnya mengeluarkan borang untuk ahli membuat permohonan pengurangan caruman . Pengurangan potongan perlu berdasarkan keperluan ahli. Jika pemotongan berkurangan bermakna tabungan masa depan ahli berkurangan.
MTUC & Persekutuan Majikan Malaysia membantah pelaksanaan yang akan dilaksanakan oleh KWSP ini dan meminta mencari cara lain.
Kalau kita imbas kembali tahun 1997-1998 kegawatan ekonomi lalu kerajaan mewajibkan caruman dikurangkan memberi kesan peningkatan ekonomi domestik 3 kali ganda daripada wang yang dibelanjakan oleh pencarum. 10 tahun lalu kerajaan membuat potongan sebanyak 2 peratus dari caruman.
Untuk maklumat pelaburan; 013-7556776
Seharusnya 3 peratus pengurangan potongan bahagian pekerja berdasarkan permohonan daripada pihak ahli .KWSP seharusnya mengeluarkan borang untuk ahli membuat permohonan pengurangan caruman . Pengurangan potongan perlu berdasarkan keperluan ahli. Jika pemotongan berkurangan bermakna tabungan masa depan ahli berkurangan.
MTUC & Persekutuan Majikan Malaysia membantah pelaksanaan yang akan dilaksanakan oleh KWSP ini dan meminta mencari cara lain.
Kalau kita imbas kembali tahun 1997-1998 kegawatan ekonomi lalu kerajaan mewajibkan caruman dikurangkan memberi kesan peningkatan ekonomi domestik 3 kali ganda daripada wang yang dibelanjakan oleh pencarum. 10 tahun lalu kerajaan membuat potongan sebanyak 2 peratus dari caruman.
Untuk maklumat pelaburan; 013-7556776
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
China is Silent Giant Economy
Last 10 years until 2003, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) A share index has returned 348%, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HSX) has returned 240%, the China Fund, Inc. (CHN) has returned 245%, and the Greater China Fund has returned 363%. China is the world's second largest economy on a purchasing power parity basis and is driven by a population of 1.3 billion people. The Chinese economy has shown resilience in the wake fo the Sichuan earthquake,
even as the State Council called for a 5% cut in government spending to create funding for reconstruction. Government and private business losses from the quake are estimated at a total of 9.5 billion dollars, and the government's spending cut will help finance a 10 billion dollar fund for rebuilding.
China enjoys a household savings rate of more than 40 percent, one of the highest in the world. As incomes rise, newly empowered consumers represent an enormous market potential.
For example, about 4 million mobile phones are sold in China each month, the world's biggest market with nearly 250 million subscribers. That's just 16 percent of the population and sales in the last two years have increased 17 percent.
In the last ten years, $400 billion to $500 billion in foreign direct investment has flowed into the country, more than the rest of Asia combined. The inflow of foreign investment brings with it new business practices, which inject vitality to the old economic system. Since 1993, labor productivity has increased four fold.
Foreign firms account for 65 percent of China's three-fold increase in exports in the last ten years. China's exports to the U.S. have increased from 3 percent to 12 percent in the last 12 years, putting China on a par with the UK.
China's December 2001 accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) is expediting economic reforms and expected to contribute 1 to 2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) each year.
For your information , investment for china fund will give you for long term higher return.
More information please contact;
Md Sulaiman Ismail 013-7556776
even as the State Council called for a 5% cut in government spending to create funding for reconstruction. Government and private business losses from the quake are estimated at a total of 9.5 billion dollars, and the government's spending cut will help finance a 10 billion dollar fund for rebuilding.
China enjoys a household savings rate of more than 40 percent, one of the highest in the world. As incomes rise, newly empowered consumers represent an enormous market potential.
For example, about 4 million mobile phones are sold in China each month, the world's biggest market with nearly 250 million subscribers. That's just 16 percent of the population and sales in the last two years have increased 17 percent.
In the last ten years, $400 billion to $500 billion in foreign direct investment has flowed into the country, more than the rest of Asia combined. The inflow of foreign investment brings with it new business practices, which inject vitality to the old economic system. Since 1993, labor productivity has increased four fold.
Foreign firms account for 65 percent of China's three-fold increase in exports in the last ten years. China's exports to the U.S. have increased from 3 percent to 12 percent in the last 12 years, putting China on a par with the UK.
China's December 2001 accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) is expediting economic reforms and expected to contribute 1 to 2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) each year.
For your information , investment for china fund will give you for long term higher return.
More information please contact;
Md Sulaiman Ismail 013-7556776

Semalam kerajaan mengumumkan pakej rangsangan ekonomi berjumlah RM7 billion . Saya melihat ini adalah petanda yang jelas untuk memberi isyarat kepada kita bahawa kerajaan mahu memastikan ekonomi berjalan lancar. Justeru itu ia akan memberi kesan kepada kita semua. Potongan KWSP juga dikurangkan kepada 8% daripada 11 peratus bagi caruman pekerja.
Minggu lalu Valuecap memasuki pasaran Bursa Malaysia di mana ia telah membeli saham syarikat yang berada di bawah nilai.Kesannya saya melihat ada petunjuk di mana KLCI melonjak naik sejak akhir jumaat lalu.
Memang tidak dinafikan kerana kita seharusnya konsisten kepada pelaburan jangka panjang. Pelaburan jangka panjang akan memberikan pulangan yang lumayan.
Maklumat lanjut hubungi; 013-7556776

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